Intervention Services

When your loved one becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol, you may be left feeling helpless and overwhelmed. You are watching them slowly fall into a dark hole, and while you want to do everything you can to help, you may not know how. In situations like these, trying to get your loved one into a PHP for addiction treatment may be easier said than done. This is when the drug or alcohol intervention services at our Lake Worth drug rehab may be able to help. 

Drug and Alcohol Intervention 

With approximately 29 million people worldwide struggling with drug use disorders, drug addiction is a pervasive issue affecting individuals globally. At BHOPB, we understand the difficulty of witnessing a loved one battle drug abuse and feel powerless to intervene. We provide drug and alcohol interventions to initiate the path to recovery, recognizing the challenges of confronting a loved one about their addiction.  

At BHOPB, we also recognize the immense strain on loved ones of alcoholics, who often hesitate to confront the issue, fearing the consequences. However, timely intervention is vital if alcohol abuse has affected someone’s life. Friends and family play a crucial role in guiding their loved one to rehab through an alcohol intervention. Our Palm Beach rehab center offers professional intervention services as part of our comprehensive care continuum, addressing the challenges of organizing such interventions and emphasizing the importance of recognizing alcoholism signs as the initial step. 

Signs of Drug Abuse Include: 

  • Irritability or moodiness 
  • Social withdrawal 
  • Depression 
  • Financial issues 
  • Lying or keeping secrets 
  • Drastic changes in behavior 
  • Sudden weight loss or gain 
  • Unusual sleeping patterns 

Keep in mind that different drugs will have different effects on people. 

Signs of Alcoholism: 

  • Denial of their inability to stop drinking 
  • Aggression or hostility whenever their drinking is mentioned 
  • Decline in quality of life due to preoccupation with drinking 
  • Frequent solitary alcohol consumption 

What to Expect During a Drug and Alcohol Intervention 

Contrary to what many people think, a drug or alcohol intervention should not just be about the addict. Formal intervention programs for drug addicts and alcoholics will consider the family and loved ones who have been affected by the addiction as well. Addiction is a family disease, so an intervention should be the first step in healing the family. 

First, the meeting will be organized and led by a professional interventionist, or someone experienced in the process. The group will typically include family members, close friends, and others who care about the individual. Prior to the intervention, the group will discuss the individual’s addiction, share stories and concerns, and agree on a plan for treatment. 

During the intervention, the group will meet with the individual and express their love and concern for them. They will share specific examples of how the addiction has impacted their lives and explain the consequences of continuing the current path. The group will also offer support and encouragement for the individual to seek treatment and provide specific details on how to access treatment resources. 

After the intervention, the individual may choose to seek treatment or may need time to process the conversation. The group should continue to offer support and encouragement while also setting healthy boundaries and consequences if the individual does not seek treatment. 

Benefits of a Drug and Alcohol Rehab Intervention Program 

Professional interventionists know how to arrange an intervention that allows everyone to feel like they are being heard. Without professional guidance, an intervention can quickly go wrong. Because you and your loved ones’ emotions are running high, the addict may feel attacked. They may become defensive, violent, and even more resistant to the idea of seeking treatment than before. This is the worst-case scenario, as it makes all participants lose faith in the process and can alienate the subject of the intervention from pursuing treatment even later. 

Having loved ones express their concerns in the right way can be an eye-opening experience for those who may be in denial about their addiction. Because so many people with drug and alcohol problems remain untreated, intervention programs can be a key factor in getting someone with a substance abuse disorder to recognize that they have a problem and agree to commit to professional treatment.  

Overall, the benefits of an addiction intervention include: 

  • Provides a wake-up call for the individual to recognize the severity of their addiction. 
  • Creates a safe and supportive environment for the individual to express their emotions and concerns about their addiction. 
  • Helps individuals access the resources and support they need to overcome their addiction. 
  • Connects individuals with appropriate treatment programs, support groups, and other resources. 
  • Helps individuals understand the potential consequences of continuing their addictive behavior. 
  • Provides a clear path forward for individuals to break the cycle of addiction and rebuild their lives. 
  • Offers a structured conversation that involves family members, friends, and a professional interventionist. 
  • Allows loved ones to express their love and concern for the individual. 
  • Offers support and encouragement for the individual to seek treatment. 
  • Provides specific details on how to access treatment resources. 
  • Helps the individual see that they are not alone and that there is a way out of their addiction. 

What Not to Do at an Intervention 

When organizing or participating in a drug intervention, it is important to create a safe and supportive environment for the individual. There are certain things that should be avoided to achieve this goal and encourage the individual to seek treatment.  

First, it is crucial to avoid being antagonistic or accusing throughout the process. The purpose is to assist the subject in realizing the extent of their addiction and to motivate them to seek help. Being hostile can make the person defensive and shut down, which will make the intervention less effective. 

Second, avoid blaming the individual for their addiction. Placing blame on the individual may cause them to feel guilty and ashamed because addiction is a complex condition. Instead, concentrate on expressing your compassion and concern for the person and giving examples of how the addiction has affected your life.  

Third, avoid making commitments you cannot keep. You might feel inclined to promise the person something during the intervention to persuade them to get help. It’s crucial to be open and honest about what you can and cannot do to help them. Making guarantees you can’t keep can damage a person’s faith in you and eventually impede their rehabilitation. 

Fourth, it’s essential to avoid pressuring the person to choose. The individual should ultimately decide whether to seek treatment. While the intervention may offer motivation and support, it’s crucial to avoid pressuring the person into making a choice that they are not ready to make. You must respect their right to self-determination. 

Fifth, it’s vital to keep trying with the person. Even if the person chooses not to seek treatment right away, it is important to provide them with continued support and encouragement because recovering from addiction is a long and challenging process. Providing them with the love and support they need can influence whether they decide to seek assistance. 

Lastly, it’s critical to be ready for the intervention. This includes having a treatment strategy in place and being prepared to link the person with the right resources. Being prepared and planning can help to guarantee the effectiveness of the meeting and give the person involved a clear road to recovery. With the help of a trained intervention specialist, these issues and roadblocks can be avoided, making for a much more successful process. 

Our Florida Drug and Alcohol Intervention  

At our Banyan Lake Worth rehab, we recognize the toll that substance abuse takes on both the addict as well as those closest to them. Our overall goal is to help addicted individuals realize the damage they have caused, repair families, and guide addicted individuals into the proper treatment program for them. 

Our drug intervention services include: 

  • Pre-intervention planning to determine who should be present and go over the process. 
  • Set guidelines for the meeting to create an environment conducive to achieving your end goals. 
  • Addiction education for family members and loved ones.
  • An impartial party to supervise and run the meeting.
  • An opportunity for people to address how their loved one’s addiction has affected them.
  • The creation of a recovery plan.
  • Transportation to our facility for immediate treatment if necessary. 

Contact Behavioral Health of the Palm Beaches or call (561) 220-3981 today to learn more about our options for addiction treatment in Lake Worth and how they can help you or a loved one. 


  1. United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime – World Drug Report 2016